Public File

View FCC Online Public Inspection File

The Federal Communications Commission requires all TV stations, including public TV stations, to move most or all of their public inspection files to an online environment established and maintained by the FCC. To access the online public inspection file click on the link above.

Persons with disabilities who need assistance with issues relating to the content of this station's FCC public inspection file should contact the station using the following phone number, or by sending an email using the address below. Questions or concerns relating to the accessibility of the FCC's online public file system should be directed to the FCC at 888-225-5322, 888-835-5322 (TTY), or

Pho​ne: (515) 292-2878

FCC filing update

Licensee's EEO report was filed in conjunction with the license renewal application, and not earlier. 

With respect to the issue and program list reports, KHOI staff were unfamiliar with the new on-line public inspection file, and uploaded reports in hte wrong location (under additional documents) or using an inappropriate fiscal year. These errors were corrected in filings of 3/30/2020 and 7/10.2020. Issue-and-program lists now appear under the proper headings for all periods since the station went on the air in the third quarter of 2012.

Licensee fully intends to make all requires reports on a timely basis going forward.