New Year Resolutions, Woodpeckers, City of Ames Report

Kay Puttock reports on her research on how, when, and if, one should make New Years resolutions, including advice from Counselors Keith Schrag, Kay Berger, and Reverend Kent McKusick.

KHOI Naturalist Pat Schlarbaum describes the woodpeckers we can see at this time of year, their habits (why do they hammer on wood?) and offers his mother's recipe for putting out winter food they will like. He also interviews renowned birder Erin Brees about the fabled Ivory-billed Woodpecker, its history and reported recent sightings.

    Mama Schlarbaum's Woodpecker Treat:
  • One part bacon grease or Crisco, or fat
  • Four parts cornmeal
  • A little peanut butter for texture
  • Press into logs, bark, bird feeders, or pack in holes drilled in a log.

Ames Public Relations Officer Susan Gwiasda tells ua about the City of Ames Christmas Tree Recycling brought to Parks & Recreation maintenance shop at 700 East 13th Street. Gwiasda also explained snow-removal regulations in Ames, recreation, and gave a call for a volunteer to fill Zoning Board Vacancy .

Listen Here Now Originally broadcast 01/01/2016
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