Purple Martins, Beep Baseball, Republican Convention

Hosts: Kay Puttock and Pat Schlarbaum

News of a successful rescue from a wind turbine accident in Huxley. Phenology of purple martins which are fledging and becoming active at this time. Tim Gedler, Ranger at Walnut Woods State Park, south of Des Moines, talks about the martin colonies he's lured onto his property and gives tips for their care.

Allyson Walter of Ames Convention and Visitors Bureau, together with special guest Jan Traphagan, First Vice President of National Beep Baseball Association (NBBA), and Chair of Beep Baseball World Series Committee, talks about the Beep Baseball World Series now being held in Ames.

Former Republican State Representative Teresa Garman discusses the recent Republican Convention.

Originally broadcast 07/25/2016
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