Iowans for a Safer Return to Learning

Denis Hart gives a summary of Iowa news from the past week.

Week of Action was organized by Iowans for a Safer Return to Learning, a coalition of Iowa groups, who are joining forces to raise public awareness about safety issues in how schools are being reopened, as mandated by Governor Reynolds.

Participating groups in the coalition include: IowaFederation of LaborAFL-CIODrive for LivesIowa Educators for a Safe Returnto LearningIowa Citizen Action NetworkIowa State Education Association, DesMoines Education AssociationIowans for Public Education,  Iowa Citizens for Community Improvement,  Western Iowa Labor Federation.

Jeremy Dumkrieger, co-founder of Iowa Educators for a Safe Return to School, a teacher in northwest Iowa going on 7 years, and Daniel Gutmann, special education teacher in the Des Moines area and founder of Drive for Lives describe what is planned and why this is of importance to so many.  Educators for a Safe Return to School is an online support group including thousands of teachers and school workers and concerned parents. Drive for Lives plans driving protests by parents and educators after Governor Kim Reynolds announced schools must hold at least 50% of classes in person. Iowans for a Safer Return to Learning is calling for mandated face coverings and local control of school boards for managing school openings. 

Keith Morgan, Story County Emergency Coordinator gives latest statistics on mass attacks. He warns that in times of stress such as these, the danger of mass attacks rises. He gives some information on what to watch for and how to respond, both as individuals and businesses or organizations. 

Anna Banana delivers Heart toHeart messages of love and encouragement.


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Originally broadcast 08/10/2020
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