Water Quality, LOL

The lead story today was inspired by the Water Quality Bill (S512) passed last week.  To help us understand this we heard from Kerri Johannsen, Manager of Government Affairs with the Iowa Environmental Council (a coalition of 65 Iowa environmental groups),  Kerri told us about the effects of the extreme cuts to the DNR in recent years, as well as explaining the most effective ways to lobby for legislative changes.  The balance of the show dealt with entertainments opening this weekend.  Paxton Williams told us about "Meet George Washington Carver," with gospel music by the Corinthian Praise and Worship Team, which will kick off Black History Month at the Iowa Alumni Center on February 3.  We then heard from Amy Sturdivant Sharp, director of "All My Sons," the Arthur Miller play opening this weekend at the Webster City Community Theatre. We closed out the program with three guests from this weekend's performance of "Laugh Out Loud," the 2nd annual comedy show in the style of "Saturday Night Live" and "Laugh In."  Writer-Director, Clark Ford joined Tom (Gentile) and Doug (Florek) the stars of KHOI's weekly "Tom and Doug Show.".


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Originally broadcast 31/01/2018
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