LOCAL TALK 15 February 2021

Dennis Hart gives a roundup of news from Iowa.This February is the 45th anniversary of the founding of ACCESS, the Assault Care Center Extending Shelterand Support, the regional nonprofit organization that helps survivors of sexualassault, domestic violence, and other times of violence. ACCESS is commemorating this with an oral history project called Accessing Our History, in partnership with KHOI.

In the third installment of a three-part series featuring this history project, Courtney Palmersheim, Development Coordinator and Producer for the Accessing Our History project, introduces more aspects of the organization’s meaning and role in the community.  In this episode, she focused on services advocates provide and the importance of the anti-violence movement. Sue Tufte, who is currently a Domestic Abuse Advocate at ACCESS, joined Courtney to discuss this. Audio clips from the oral history project were played:

Mary Howell Sirna, volunteer and board member describes why an advocate is needed during the deposition process. 

Volunteers Haroldand Marilyn Anderson, (Harold is ACCESS’s longest running volunteer) speak about the importance of advocacy and the importance of an advocacy organization.  

JudyConlin, former board member, speaks about the potential for self-empowerment.

To call ACCESS for help:

Sexual Abuse Crisis Line:  515-292-5378 or Toll Free 800-203-3488

Domestic Violence Crisis Line:  515-292-0519 or Toll Free 855-983-4641

Housing/Sheltering Services Crisis Line:  515-292-0543 or Toll Free 855-696-2980

ACCESS Business Line: 515-292-0500.

The 2021 NAACP Annual Freedom Fund Event, will be held virtually on Thursday, February 18, with entertainment by talented highschool students during the social hour at 6:30 p.m. followed by the keynote speaker Kemba Smith Pradia telling her inspiring story.  For reservations go here. Listen in to Local Talk on Wednesday to learn more.


Originally broadcast 02/15/2021