KHOI will be observing Earth day, tomorrow 22 April with some programing specials and then on Saturday the 24th, we are partnering with the City of Ames with some special programming. And as a lead-up to Earthday; some local voices share their thoughts.
Jim Pease; Earthday Reflections
Gram &Tyler Harms Earthday Reflections
Susan Qwiasda, City of Ames Public Relations Officer and Joshua Thomas Parks and Facilities Superintendent Joshua, visit about placing memorials as a way to remember or honor a loved-one or person of prominence. in public areas especially parks.
and cover types of memorials, special regulations and guidelines.
Anna Magnussen, KHOI’s Top “Good News Banana” brightens our day.
Offering Poems, Music, and a review of Tuesday programs; All Things Piano, Donna-Lana Kitchen, Science Bytes, and Heart2Heart along with a sneak peek of Thursday’s, You Name It.
Anna Magnusson:
City of Ames:

Originally broadcast 04/20/2021