Dr. Molly Lee, Story County Board of Health joins us and provides the most recent COVID-19 updates for Story County, Monkey Pox infection updates, discusses the Poliovirus case in New York, and reviews seasonal heat stress precautions to practise with the severe weather heat/humidity we are experiencing.
Dr. Lee also discusses Story County Public Health’s implementation of some health services/programs for seniors and the programs Home Health Services is offering mental health first aid trainings.
Steve Lekwa; Naturally Speaking: We visit with Steve about some of his recent observations and about the dog days of summer and American Golfinches”
Susan Gwiasda, Public Information Officer for the City of Ames Reminds listeners about the Rummage Rampage event going on and about the National Night Out: A welcome and meet and greet event with Ames police and other officials.
Ames Energy Services Coordinator, Joel Zook
reminds us to watch our power use as temperatures rise and asks residents to reduce electric consumption.
Joel shares tips and ideas on conservation practices and addresses the value of a home energy audit and speaks to future alternative energy (power) source needs.
7:45 Renee Klaus and Lexy Risdal fill us in on the upcoming Gilbert Days (5th and 6th of August)
Our conversation covers the music activities and other events, the schedule as well as the online maps indicationg the locations of activities.
Story County Board of Health: storycountyiowa.gov
Ada Hayden Heritage Park: adahaydenpark.blogspot.com/
Rummage Rampage: cityofames.org/rummagerampage
Susan Gwiasda: susan.gwiasda@cityofames.org
Gilbert Days: https://www.gilberteventsinc. org/activities.
Originally broadcast 08/02/2022
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