Squaw Creek Watershed and NAMI

February 12, 2014 - 7:00am -- ron

Originally broadcast 02/12/2014
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The Squaw Creek Watershed Authority and what’s being done to monitor water quality in central Iowa was the topic of discussion on this past Wednesday’s Local Talk show. Co-hosts Susan Franzen and Tom Beell talked with Jerry Keys of the Story County Conservation Center and Pat Conrad of the EOR Water Ecology Community about the watershed, which extends north into Webster County and includes much of Boone and Story Counties. (A map of the watershed is to the left) Also on the program, Penny Brown Huber, executive director of Prairie Rivers of Iowa, told how her group is working to make more people aware of the watershed and how they can help take care of it. Wednesday’s program also included a report by reporter Kay Puttock on the National Alliance for the Mentally Ill (NAMI), which is cosponsoring a Trivia Contest Fundraiser next month with KHOI.

Red Friars and Juvenile Justice

February 7, 2014 - 7:00am -- ron

Originally broadcast 02/07/2014
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We considered three diverse topics. First was Red Friars Valentine dinner dance, coming up on February 14. Second is a discussion with former County Attorny Mary Richards about the effect of the recent U.S. Supreme Court Case on the sentencing of Yvette Louisell who was convicted of murder in 1988. At that time Richards was the prosecuting attorney, and conviction resulted in a mandatory life sentence without parole. The possible resentencing of Louisell was used to discuss the issues regarding new sentencing legislation in Iowa. Our coverage went beyond that into the grounds for making decisions on juvenile justice. Lastly, the program concluded with a segment on the National Association for the Mentally Ill (NAMI).

The specifics of the Louisell case are described in a Des Moines Register Story (1/31/2014)

Demolition of the Champlain Building

February 5, 2014 - 7:00am -- ron

Originally broadcast 02/05/2014
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Today we visited two of the last events to take place at the historic Champlain Building on the corner of Welch and Lincoln Way, built by A.L.Champlain in 1908. It has recently been sold by the Champlain family to Kingland Systems which plans to demolish it in the spring of 2014. We attended a tour of the building for members of the Ames Historical Society days before the public auction on Monday, February 3. From Champlain's granddaughter, Lynn Lloyd, we learned the history of the building and its relationship to Iowa State and the larger Ames community.


February 3, 2014 - 7:00am -- ron

Originally broadcast 02/03/2014
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This is a discussion centered on Iowa Prairies with "two of the best friends the prairies ever had," Carl Kurtz and Mark Meetz. The surprise finale of the interview was the on-air presentation of the 2013 Olaf Smedal Award to our host Pat Schlarbaum. The morning ended with reporter Cynthia McClure's interview with David Faux, introducing "The Celebration of the Legacy of George Washington Carver" on Thursday, February 6 at 2:00 pm at the Farmhouse Museum on the ISU campus.

Hosts: Pat Schlarbaum and Susan Franzen.

Raising Readers, Project Smyles

January 31, 2014 - 7:00am -- ron

Local Talk program originally broadcast 01/31/2014
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Two projects aimed at encouraging young people to read were featured on KHOI’s Local Talk show Friday, Jan. 31.

Co-hosts Susan Franzen and Tom Beell talked with the president and vice president of Raising Readers , Carol Elbert and Carolyn Jons, who described the wide variety of activities their group’s volunteers undertake to instill a love of reading in children.

Also appearing on the program Friday was Linda Olson, organizer of Project Smyles at the Ames Public Library. Project Smyles encourages youngsters to take advantage of the library’s rich collection of books, CDs and DVDs. Staff members conduct story times for children’s groups and in other ways help children develop appreciate the joy and value of reading. Like Raising Readers, Project Smyles is funded by grants and private donations. Earlier in the program, Paul Schlarbaum talked with Steve Dinsmore about the unusual sounds of Iowa’s owls. And then Pete Seeger, who died Monday (Jan. 27), was remembered with his performance of Alligator Hedgehog and Leather Wing Bat from his album, Birds, Beasts, Bugs and Fishes.

Birds, Bugs, and "Boeing, Boeing"

January 29, 2014 - 7:00am -- ron

Local Talk program originally broadcast 01/29/2012
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This is a celebrations of the events outdoors and indoors that enliven the end of January. We hear about eagles nesting, skating on the skunk river, biking to work, running with the Polar Bear Club, bugs in winter, and the ACTORS production of "Boeing, Boeing", the French farce opening this weekend.

    We heard from:
  • Pat Schlarbaum, DNR Wildlife Diversity
  • Steve and Ethy Cannon
  • Zoe Pritchard
  • Donald Lewis, ISU Extension Entomologist
  • Stacy Brothers, director of "Boeing, Boeing"
  • Paul Sim, cast of "Boeing, Boeing"


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