Local Talk 05/24/2017

Originally broadcast 05/24/2017
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We discussed the recent Ames City Council meeting concerning the Resolution Reaffirming the Public Safety Function of Local Law Enforcement. Matthew Goodman, former Ames City Council Member and co-chair of Ames Progressive Alliance was on hand to explain the collaborative work behind the crafting of this resolution. City Council members Gloria Betcher and Tim Gartin spoke with Ames Chief of Police Chuck Cychosz about how the proposed resolution would affect the interactions of the Ames Police with immigrant communities. Cheryl Binzen spoke for the resolution on behalf of Inclusive Ames, Rick Exner representing the AMOS Immigration Group (AMOS is a coalition of social justice groups known as A Mid-Iowa Organizing Strategy) testified to the importance of an official document in support of the practice of the Ames Police to limit their activities to local law enforcement rather than taking on functions of federal immigration agents. Liz Mendez spoke from the experience of being a Latina immigrant. We then heard from Zoami Callas-Sosa Rios about the pro-active things being done at the Webster City ACE (All Cultures Equal) Center.

Ruth Horine Book told us how Story County Conservation Center is keeping the legacy of her father "Bill" Horine alive by sponsoring a prize at its annual nature photography exhibit and initiating the Horine Writing Contest for Youth. Host Paul Wierson shared some memories of his own about this beloved nature writer and nature photographer. Ruth and Paul added a tribute to the friendship between Bill and Pat Schlarbaum which brought them together actively until Bill was well into his 90s. His Facebook Page Outdoor Talk is still being maintained.

Pat's Retirement, Planned Parenthood

Originally broadcast 05/22/2017
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KHOI naturalist reporter Pat Schlarbaum will retire from the Iowa Department of Natural Resources in June. Pat was a technician for DNR's Wildlife Diversity Program, where he spearheaded and coordinated the return of many wild animal species to Iowa, including the peregrine falcon, bald eagle, river otter, kestrel, prairie chicken, and osprey. His last public event was a recent award ceremony and picnic honoring the many people, throughout the Midwest, who collaborated to bring the Osprey back to Iowa. A few of these people, including Chief Golden Light Eagle, express what the Osprey Project has really meant to them.

Rachel Lopez, Public Relations Manager for Planned Parenthood of the Heartland, relates how Iowa Senate File 515, which blocks state funding to Planned Parenthood and other clinics that provide abortions, will impact Planned Parenthood and its ability to provide reproductive health care to Iowans. Planned Parenthood will lose four of its 12 clinics in Iowa.

70th Anniversary of the Ames Lab, Historic Plaques

Originally broadcast 05/19/2017
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Adam Schwartz, Director of the Ames Lab, and Vitali Pacharsky, Distinguished Professor, Division of Materials Science & Engineering with Ames Lab and ISU, celebrate the 70th anniversary of the Ames Lab, Ames' signature federal research facility at Iowa State University. They describe the origins and spirit, unique features, and some pivotal projects that have helped define the Lab as a world leader in Science.

Alex Fejfar from the Ames History Center, talks about the historic plaque project for building in Downtown Ames. There will be a lecture, presented by Sharon Wirth and Judy Gilger, who, while researching for the downtown historical plaque project, uncovered many intriguing facts about downtown structures, businesses and the people who built them. The lecture will be on Tuesday, May 23, 2017 at 7:00 PM in the Ames Public Library.

Solar Power,Terva, Nasty Women

Originally broadcast 05/17/2017
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Judi Eyles was onhand to tell us about the work of the Pappajohn Center for Entrepreneurship and introduce a recent graduate of their CYStarters program, Steven Brockshus, whose website Terva.ag went online this week. Tim Dwight, former football star turned advocate for solar energy, told reporter Greta Anderson how experiences with troops in Iraq led him to become an advocate for Solar Power. We ended the day with a road trip to see the irises on display at the Iowa Arboretum for the American Iris Society Convention followed by a visit to Sheri Taha at the "Nasty Women" show at Expressions Gallery in Slater.

Iowa Legislature, Reliable Street

Originally broadcast 05/15/2017
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Host: Kay Puttock

In the wake of Governor Terry Branstad signing of Agricultural Bill SF 510, State Senator Herman Quirmbach offers his analysis and hopes for the future of the Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture.

Drew Kamp, the Director of Government Relations and Business Retention for the Ames Chamber of Commerce talks about his views on the past legislative session, and also about his forthcoming lobbying trip to Washington along with other members of the Chamber.

Lyndsay Nissen talks about her plans for an artists' co-operative she's in the process of building on Reliable Street.

.Four students from Ames Middle School, along with their teacher Steph Schares talk about the writing, planning and publishing of two anthologies they've published of their written work.

Lincoln Corridor Plan, Sustainable Parks

Originally broadcast 05/12/2017
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Kelly Diekmann, Ames Planning & Housing Director, describes the City of Ames' Lincoln Corridor Plan for future development of areas along Lincoln Way, including transportation, housing, land use, urban development, economic development, and infrastructure. The plan responds to a shift in priorities expressed by Ames residents away from being oriented towards car transportation, to "road diets" making way for a more walkable and cycling city with public transportation playing a larger role.

Merry Rankin, Director of Sustainability for ISU and Ames Sustainability Coordinator, and Joshua Thompson, Ames Parks & Recreation Superintendent, describe how park maintenance workers focus on sustainability while caring for Ames parks.

Pat Schlarbaum describes peregrine falcon (now hatching) and their return to Iowa after extinction.


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