Sentencing Guidelines, Beads Unbound

Listen Here Now Originally broadcast 06/16/2017
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Judge Robert Pratt, Senior Judge of the United States District Court for the Southern District of Iowa gives his view of the new sentencing and prosecuting guidelines recently issued by US Attorney General Jeff Sessions.

Lecia Brooks, Outreach Director of the Southern Poverty Law Center in Montgomery, Alabama, talks about varied possibilities of litigation against extremist hate groups, and about how ordinary citizens can combat intimidation and harassment, including online harassment.

Youth volunteer award-winner Katarina Bradley, together with her father Andy, talk about her award-winning work against human trafficking and the founding of her non-profit organization Beads Unbound.

Birds, Butterflies, and Crawford Hall

Listen Here Now Originally broadcast 06/14/2017
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Leanne Harter got our program started with her Story County Report - hot weather warnings from the animal shelter for pets and livestock as well as miscellaneous regulations and awards. Jennifer Knox and Young Birder president, Tyler Harms, were on hand to tell us about the Iowa Bird of Mouth and read some poems about American Robin (the May Bird of Mouth) and Eastern Bluebird (the June Bird of Mouth). Our discussion led us to the recent bird-ebrity, a western tanager sought by out-of-state birders armed with cameras and scopes after they received the report of the bird on Scott Avenue in Ames. In keeping with the theme of habitat for beautiful winged creatures Nathan Brockman from the Butterfly Wing at Reiman Gardens told us how to develop habitat to attract butterflies as well as the butterfly survey to be conducted during the Butterfly Field Day at McFarland Park next Saturday. Although anyone is invited to join in, the butterfly survey is a serious citizen scientist activity to monitor the number and location of butterflies, many of which are on the endangered species list (Monarchs are NOT among those most threatened).

Photo by Paul Brooke

Working Families, Youth Radio, Emergency Response

Originally broadcast 06/12/2017
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The Working Families Summit took place in Ames on Saturday, and on Local Talk we listened to the keynote speaker, Larry Cohen. Mr. Cohen is the Chair of Our Revolution, the successor organization to Bernie 2016. He spoke about the need for a progressive agenda including health care, child care, jobs, and low-debt college access, as well as the role of Iowa in growing support for these goals.

Ames Middle School students, Mary Mundell, Malik Davis, Vijay Williams, and Karla Torres, were interviewed by host, Gale Seiler, about Youth Participatory Action Research they were involved in this past year. These students will also co-host Rebel Music Radio on KHOI on Thursday from 8:00 - 10:00 PM.

Working Families Summit, 4th of July, Ash Trees

Originally broadcast 06/09/2017
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Local Talk host Kay Puttock, and KHOI studio engineer Evan Taylor (both trained in literary history) give historical context to an analogy made during the Senate Intelligence Committee hearing. The analogy was between President’s Trump’s request to Comey to drop the investigation of Michael Flynn and a historic religious and literary incident in 1170 when King Henry 2nd of Britain, muttered, about Archbishop of Canterbury Thomas Beckett, “Will no-one rid me of this meddlesome priest?” - resulting in the murder of Beckett, who was subsequently made a saint by the Catholic Church.

Adana Delagardelle, Events Coordinator at the Main Street Cultural District reports on the upcoming July 4th Parade and puts out a call for volunteers. To help out on the day of the parade, contact Delagardelle.

Story County resident Sue Dinsdale, from the steering committee of the Working Families Summit, describes this event, occurring at Iowa State Center’s Scheman Blding in Ames on Saturday June 10 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM. The summit brings together Iowans with the theme: ‘Standing Together. Fighting Back, as finding new ways to bring this country back to those that make it work." Eric Wenke, resident of Cambridge, talks about layoffs at his place of employment and economic challenges for families.

Merry Rankin, from Ames Sustainability and ISU Sustainability and J , City of Ames Parks & Facilities Superintendent, give an up date on removal of Ash trees and planting of diversified species in town.

Phenology by Pat Schlarbaum about the return of the fisher.

SIGN UP NOW! The KHOI Star Spangled Band!

June 8, 2017 - 4:28pm -- bekka
KHOI Community Radio and The Main Street Cultural District would like to invite you to be apart of our boombox Star Spangled Band in the 4th of July parade with KHOI!
If you have a band who is interested in volunteering musical talent, please click here to fill out the application.
If you are an individual who is interested in participating in any way, please click here to fill out a separate application.
Click the title for more information!


Climate Smart Agriculture, Firemen Days

Originally broadcast 06/07/2017
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Eugene Takle, ISU Professor Atmospheric Science and Agricultural Meteorology spoke with us about the anticipated effects on Iowa Agriculture of the US withdrawal from the 2016 Paris Climate Agreement. In exploring farming practices that can mitigate climate change [Climate Smart Agriculture] we heard from two organic farmers. Tom Frantzen described how he became an organic farmer and also about some of the award winning experiments with diversified crops and animal farming. Gary Guthrie had a different model of organic farming as he raised fruits and vegetables for shares in Community Supported Agriculture (CSA)). Gary has also made his farm energy self-sufficient with a windmill and multiple solar panels.

Then we turned to weekend events with Bill Hook, Fire Chief for the Cambridge/Union Township fire department, telling us about Fireman Days, a two day festival in Cambridge to raise money to complete an addition to their fire house – fun with a purpose. Closing our show we heard from Director Cheryl Clark, about Ankeny Community Theatre’s production, In The Middle of Yesterday, about Alzheimer’s Disease.


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