Ad Hoc VEISHEA and Molly Ivins

April 14, 2014 - 7:00am -- ron

Originally broadcast 04/14/2014
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In the wake of the "official" cancellation of VEISHEA but ongoing "unofficial" (alcohol-related) estivities, we bring in three ISU students who organized an impromptu parade and picnic in the true spirit of the event.

Later in the hour, Greenlee School professor Mark Witherspoon joins us to discuss First Amendment Days.


April 11, 2014 - 7:00am -- ron

Originally broadcast 04/11/2014
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After the violence in Campustown on Tuesday, April 8, VEISHEA was cancelled. This program explores the ways the community is coping and what the the future holds.

Hosts: Greta Anderson and Susan Franzen

Lead Poisoning In Eagles

April 9, 2014 - 7:00am -- ron

Originally broadcast 04/09/2014
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The Decorah Eagles,are famous for raising yearly broods while being observed at close range by eagle lovers and schools around the world via a ground-breaking web cam project by naturalist Bob Anderson in Decorah, Iowa. In early April, their three new Eagle chicks hatched despite extremely cold conditions. Anderson reports on the eaglets' progress.

Wildlife specialist and KHOI community radio reporter Pat Schlarbaugm speaks with a wild bird rehabilitation expert, a wild life veterinarian, and a hunter, as well as Anderson, about the growing problem of lead poisoning of bald eagles caused by lead bullets, resulting in their agonizing deaths. Since copper bullets do not poison birds, advocates are calling for a ban on lead bullets and conversion to copper. As the birds who symbolize our nation return from near extinction, they once again perform as "indicator species" as they did with the herbicide DDT in the 1950's and 1960's.

Eco Fair

April 2, 2014 - 7:00am -- ron

Heart of Iowa program
Originally broadcast 04/02/2014
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Pat Schlarbaum's reports on the responses of various mammals to Spring, and announced news about the Decorah Eagle Cam. Kay Puttock updated us on her recent experiences in New Zealand, which takes strong measures to protects its nature from invasive species. Roxanne Thompson interviewed Angie Schreck of ACCESS for the Community Service Appreciation serices, and Susan Franzen gave us a virtual tour of the ECO Fair held last Saturday, March 29.


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