October 2014

Shadows of Liberty

October 6, 2014 - 6:00am -- ron

A Special Independent Film Screening
Friday October 3, 2014 at 7:00 PM
KHOI Community Radio, 410 Douglas Avenue in Ames0
Light refreshments / $5.00 requested donation

Join KHOI's showing of "Shadows of Liberty", a film tracing the story of media manipulation through the years. Shadows of Liberty poses a crucial question: why have we let a handful of powerful corporations write the news?

Shout Out Wednesday

Larry Sloan and Susan Franzen introduced the new Wednesday Local Talk which focuses on the news, music, and "Shoutouts" of celebration and upcoming events from "the surrounding area" (parts of seven counties around our tower near Story City). Lonna Nachtigal and Joe Lynch told about the traditions and music of the Central Iowa Barn Dance, which draws dancers from a wide area. Our featured live musician was singer-songwriter Tom Richards of Nevada.

Shout Out Wednesday

October 1, 2014 - 7:00am -- ron

Originally broadcast 10/01/2014
Listen here now

Larry Sloan and Susan Franzen introduced the new Wednesday Local Talk which focuses on the news, music, and "Shoutouts" of celebration and upcoming events from "the surrounding area" (parts of seven counties around our tower near Story City). Lonna Nachtigal and Joe Lynch told about the traditions and music of the Central Iowa Barn Dance, which draws dancers from a wide area. Our featured live musician was singer-songwriter Tom Richards of Nevada. Our first call-ins Shoutouts were news of the Arb Bark at the Iowa Arboreum near Luther, a day of dog related classes, Gospel Jazz on October 10 at the Senior Center, and the Story! Festival in Story City.
