August 2015

Bob Anderson, Ames History, Emergency Preparedness

Originally broadcast 08/03/2015
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A tribute to Bob Anderson, who passed away July 27th, founder and director of the Raptor Resource Center in Decorah Iowa. The Raptor Resource Center is world famous for the Decorah Eagle Cam, but Bob's greatest legacy is possibly that he brought Peregrine Falcons back to Iowa. Pat Schlarbaum tells that story with the help of other staff from the Raptor Resource Center, Amy Ries, Jon Stavers, and John Dingley. There will be a memorial service for Bob on Sunday, Aug 8 at 1pm at the Decorah Fish Hatchery in Decorah Iowa. Directions to the Decorah Fish Hatchery.

Alex Fejhar from the Ames History Center, submitting himself to our first installment of a new segment called "WHY IS THAT??" explains how Northwestern Avenue was made and why the houses stand at an angle.

Keith Morgan Story County Emergency Management< Coordinator, gives important, practical life-saving information on planning for emergencies. It is worth it to listen and act on his advice.
