June 2016

Bakken Pipeline

Listen Here Now Originally broadcast 06/13/2016
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Angie Carter and Mark Edwards, describe resistance against building the Bakken pipeline in Iowa. being planned by the Bakken Pipeline Resistance Coalition

Boone County landowners, Dick and Judy Lamb, will host a press conference on Tuesday, June 21st at 10:00 AM at the Lambs’ farm in rural Boone County (1292 V Avenue, Boone, Iowa 50036). The Lambs are calling for Iowans to stand with them in contesting government overreach in taking their farmland.

A Day of Action and community will be held along the Des Moines River June 25, beginning with a flotilla along the section of the Des Moines River the Bakken pipeline is proposed to cross and end with an afternoon gathering of food, art, and fellowship at the community center in Pilot Mound. Please register so they can best plan boat rentals and food.

Leanne Harter, Story County Outreach and Special Projects Manager explains that Nevada resident and UPS deliverer Marty Chitty, has been appointed to fill the county board of supervisor seat held by the late Paul Toot. She also described the Cornerstone to Capstone (C2C) Plan for long-range planning in Story County that was adopted last Tuesday.

Star Knowledge, Sustainability and Safety

Listen Here Now Originally broadcast 06/10/2016
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Hosts: Ursula Rudenberg, Pat Schlarbaum, and Kay Puttock

Chief Golden Light Eagle, Jennifer Berryhill and Mary Lightweaver, who all have major roles at the event, talk to to Pat Schlarbaum and Urusula Rudenberg about the Star Knowledge Conference coming up in Des Moines on June 14, 15, and 16.

Then Merry Rankin, Director of Sustainability at ISU, and Bill Diesslin, Associate Director of ISU Environmental Health and Safety talk about environmental and personal health and safety both on campus and in our homes, especially during the summer months.

Bell Tower Days and Firemen Days

Originally broadcast 06/08/2016
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Our show today featured two summer festivals coming up next weekend -- June, 10-12. Angie Pedersen, Tourism and Events Coordinator for the Jefferson Chamber of Commerce, described this history of the Mahaynay Bell Tower in Jefferson, as well as the many events at Bell Tower Days. Robby Pedersen described one of the events -- Gutenberg! The Musical! which will be performed by History Boy Theatre as part of the Festival.

Marsha Kisner came up from Cambridge for a lively description of a unique festival, Firemen Days, for which the whole town is turning out to celebrate the efforts of its volunteer fire department. We heard selections from The Rivieras of Des Moines which will be playing at Bell Tower Days and Jason Brown , the featured performer at Firemen Days.

Peregrine Falcons, Half Shell Concert, Ada Hayden

Listen Here Now Originally broadcast 06/06/2016
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Pat Schlarbaum gave us an update on Peregrine Falcons in Iowa . Co-host Isaac Biehl brought us the sounds of people and music at the first Ames on the Half Shell Summer concert. Co-host Gale Seiler shared interviews that she did with people enjoying Ada Hayden Heritage Park over the last week, which show the diversity of people who spend time at the lake.

The Leonas: Live in the Studio

Steph Plant and Sarah Velasquez join us in the KHOI studio in advance of their appearance at 6:30 tonight at Mustard Seed Farm. The St. Louis duo known as The Leonas give us the backstory of their creative collaboration and share the loveliness of their original songs.

The Leonas = leonasmusic.bandcamp.com

Mustard Seed Farm = mustardseedfarm.org

Mind Body Medicine Part 2, Prairie Rivers, Summer Events in Ames

Listen Here Now Originally broadcast 06/03/2016
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Ames Art walk, and what KHOI's contribution to it. Follow-up on Mind Body Medicine with Dr. Herbert Benson of the Benson-Henry Institute of Mind Body Medicine at Massachusetts General Hospital. Erv Klaas, Vice President of Prairie Rivers of Iowa tells us about some of the organization's conservation and development projects. Susan Gwiasda, Public Relations Officer for the City of Ames , tells us what's coming up for the city in the next month. Civil engineer Rudy Koester updates us on construction projects around Ames.

Listening Back to Memorial Day, Forward to Art Walk

Originally broadcast 06/01/2016
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KHOI intern Isaac Biehl starts us off with a "listen" back to the Memorial Day ceremony at Municipal Cemetery, held by the Ames Patriotic Council. Herman Quirmbach, president of the Council, and Jathan Chicoine, ISU Veteran Services Coordinator, speak. The Ames Municipal Band plays.

Then KHOI intern Zachary Neuendorf gets us up to speed on Art Walk, happening this Friday, June 3, with an interview with Judy Gilger, co-owner of Gilger Designs, which is sponsoring the event, and Andrea Basche, manager of Worldly Goods and co-chair of the Art Walk committee.

Then, long-time Ames guitarist Larry "Red" Stoltenberg joins us in the studio for conversation and song. Redz Blues, a five-member band, will play the whole duration of Art Walk, 5:00 to 8:00 PM, at the KHOI digs here at 410 Douglas in Ames. You're invited to come down and listen, maybe even join the Doodle Squad, which will be painting a new mural for the station's walls.
