December 2017

"Silence Breakers": Kirsten Anderson & Iowa Senate Harassment, ISU Students Respond to Time Magazine

Listen Here NowOriginally broadcast 12/08/2017
Listen to the entire episode now!


KHOI civic reporter Dennis Hart provides a roundup of this past week's local news, from the pages of Ames Tribune

Responses and thoughts from some ISU students in the Student Union Commons, to Time Magazine's choice of Person of the Year 2017: "Silence Breakers" on the topic of sexual assault and harassment. Young adults share what they think it means and how they have experienced the issue in their personal lives.

Kirsten Anderson speaks on the topic of sexual harassment in the workplace. Anderson made national news as a former Iowa Senate Republican Caucus staff member, who won a settlement from the state of Iowa for sexual harassment and wrongful termination. Anderson describes what happened to her, the legal actions she took, and the educational work she is now doing, to make work places better in Iowa.

Merry Rankin, Director of Sustainability for Ames and Iowa State University, and Ed Moran, Reiman Gardens staff person, discusses Reiman Gardens' operations in light of sustainability, and current exhibits there.


Ducharme-Jones and Holiday Comedies

Listen Here NowOriginally broadcast 12/06/2017
Listen to the entire episode now!


This is a lighthearted show previewing three Holiday Comedies throughout the area and the upcoming Pantorium Sessions duo, Ducharme-Jones.  We started our show with Katie Schlake giving us a little background on the artists who'll play at the Pantorium on December 7.  Moving on to this weekend, we featured three theatre groups from three counties of our listening area.  Robby Peterson told us about the dinner theatre comedy, Don't Hug Me by Phil Olsen playing at History Boy Theatre in Jefferson, Greene County. From Lynn Arterburn gave us a glimpse of  A Christmas Chaos by Michael Wehrlei, which is playing at the Ankeny Community Theatre in Story County. And finaly the play, Story Theatre by Paul Sills, put on by the Boone Community Theatre.
