May 26, 2020

Listen Here NowOriginally broadcast 05/26/2020
Listen to the entire episode now!

Today's Local Talk included an interview by Cal Halliburton of Republican primary challenger Jeremy Taylor to Congressman Steve King’s District Four in Western Iowa. Erica Place with Story County Conservation Board talked about Covid 19 Response in Story County Parks. And Susan Gwiasda invited Ron Edwards with City of Ames Animal Control to talk about how our pets to Covid 19 respond to having people at home. And consequently what might change when people return to their jobs. 

Memorial Day

Listen Here NowOriginally broadcast 05/25/2020
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World War two veteran Curt Bauer and his son Lee Bauer start off a reflection on Memorial Day with their recollections of Bauer’s service in the Pacific and on ceremonies in Zearing Iowa, hosted by the American Legion.

State Senator Herman Quirmbach and Ames City Councilman Tim Garten, both from the Ames Patriotic Council, read the names of local veterans who have passed away since last May. They then lead a conversation on the history and meaning of Memorial Day. They extend recognition to others in uniform who are not in the military service, but who currently serve, putting their lives on the line during this pandemic crisis. Globally More than 9,200 health care providers have been infected by the virus, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. There is also reflection on how much and how many have been lost to the pandemic. The coronavirus had infected more than 1.66M people in the USA and led, so far, to 98,000 deaths. Globally, the death toll is at around 350 thousand.

Anna Banana reads heart to heart messages to and from the different branches of the US military service. 

May 22, 2020

Listen Here NowOriginally broadcast 05/22/2020
Listen to the entire episode now!

Local Talk 2020/05/22 included an interview by Tammy Jacobs ISU Extension Crisis Hotline concerning Covid19 Response. Pertinent telephone numbers were Iowa Concerned Hotline 515-447-1985, Teenline 800-443-8336, Mental Health Hotline 800-369-2229, and 800-262-3804. Susan Gwiasda invited Neil Weiss Assistant Director of Ames Water and Pollution Control. Pertinent websites included CityofAmes/Smart Water, COV/Smartwatershed and Facebook/Ames Water. 

EIS Struggles and Standing Rock

Listen Here NowOriginally broadcast 05/20/2020
Listen to the entire episode now!

Carolyn Raffensperger's reflection today was on gardens and the interactions of creatures, animal and human, with them.  In exploring the reports of a huge victory for the Standing Rock Sioux in their legal challenges to the Dakota Access Pipeline, we first spoke with Mark Edwards and Pat Schlarbaum, who spent some weeks at the Standing Rock camp in South Dakota in 2016, as the Water Protectors, protested Energy Transfer Partners digging a trench through their land before tunneling under the Missouri River.  Next Keith Puntenney discussed the legal actions of farmers whose land was condemned by Eminent Domain.  And finally, Iowa Sierra Club Attorney Wally Taylor, described the legal struggle in Iowa and the current status of the pipeline in a financial climate of collapsing oil prices.

We also announced voting information at

TITLE: COVID-19 Response: Perry, Tyson, EMARC

Listen Here NowOriginally broadcast 05/13/2020
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Carolyn Raffensperger and Pat Schlarbaum kicked off our show with a nature based discussion of education.  We continued with our virtual road trip to Perry where we spoke with City Administrator Sven Peterson about the response of Perry to the outbreak of COVID-19 at the Tyson meat packing plant.  Peterson reported the many things that organizations throughout the city are doing to support families of workers, as well as his visit to the plant to witness the safety precautions that are now in place.  Turning to Tyson workers who don't live in Perry, we learned about the many immigrant refugees  who commute from Des Moines to work in the Tyson plant.  Our contact in Des Moines was an organization called EMBARC, founded in 2011 to provide support for refugees through advocacy, education and community development.  Among the refugees served are those from Eritria, Myamar, and the Republic of the Congo.  EMABARC maintains help lines and weekly informational broadcasts in 10 languages (see EMBARC Crisis Response).  Ending on an entertaining way to cope with sheltering in place, Cheryl Clark, told us about "Al Takes a Bride," the virtual readers theatre production being live streamed by Ankeny Community Theatre on Sunday, May 17 (reservations due at midnight May 16). 

Ames Public Events This Summer? COVID19 Stories Project

Listen Here NowOriginally broadcast 05/11/2020
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Summertime is the time of recreation and many public events in Ames. The Ames City Council has scheduled for this decision making process to occur during their monthly council meeting on Tueday May 12.  Ames mayor John Haila gives us some insight into what we might expect Tuesday night.

The COVID-19 Stories Project, created by Special Collections & University Archives, helps capture the reality of a global pandemic through the lens of every Iowan. This project shines a light on the unique perspectives throughout our state, while providing future researches, scholars, and historians with information needed to tell our stories in the years to come. Daniel Hartwig, Head of Iowa StateUniversity’s Special Collections & University Archives explains the project, how you can record your story, and how you can hear them. To check out writing prompts, submit your story, or review terms and conditions, visit For questions, email

Dr. Srinivas On COVID-19 Dangers

Listen Here NowOriginally broadcast 05/08/2020
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Dr. Megan Srinivas, infectious disease specialist from Fort Dodge and North Carolina University, provides indepth information on the spread of Coronavirus.. Srinivas is advocating for continuing shelter in place and says that COVID-19 puts rural Iowans at serious risk with the governor's loosening of restrictions.   


Tracy Warner Municipal Engineer discussed current City of Ames Projects. 

Anna Banana brought Heart to Heart Messages. Send Anna your message to read on the air. Text it to 515-809-0077 or email it to khoiradio@gmail with Heart to heart in the subject line. 

National Nurses Week, When the lights Go Out & Voting in the Time of COVID19

Listen Here NowOriginally broadcast 05/07/2020
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May 6-12 is national Nurses Week, culminating on May 12 on the birthday of the late Florence Nightingale, seen as the founder of the modern day nursing profession. Kevin Krausman is a nurse at Mary Greeley Medical Center. He gives voice to the spirit of courageous and compassionate service of those who enter the nursing profession. He also illustrates why the American Nurses Credentialing Center has given Mary Greely Medical Canter Magnet recognition – the highest honor and the gold standard in nursing.

Nightingale Pledge:

Before God and those assembled here, I solemnly pledge;
To adhere to the code of ethics of the nursing profession;
To co-operate faithfully with the other members of the nursing team and to carryout [sic] faithfully and to the best of my ability the instructions of the physician or the nurse who may be assigned to supervise my work;
I will not do anything evil or malicious and I will not knowingly give any harmful drug or assist in malpractice.
I will not reveal any confidential information that may come to my knowledge in the course of my work.
And I pledge myself to do all in my power to raise the standards and prestige of the practical nursing;
May my life be devoted to service and to the high ideals of the nursing profession.

Lucy Martin, Story County Auditor explains plans for the June 2 election, and various health risk mitigation strategies for voters and poll workers. Application forms for mail-in ballots have been sent out. Applications must be returned by May 22.

Mike Brown, Manager at City of Ames Electric Services, gives instructions on what to do if electricity goes off in your home. The City provides the Outage Viewer - a map of blackouts in real time. If you electricity goes out, report it to the City of Ames Outage Line immediately at 515-239-5240. Your location is determined by your phone number so Mike asks that you register your call phone number with the city so that they can identify your location when you call. Register your cell phone at 515-239-5120.

Anna Banana brought Heart to Heart Messages. Send Anna your message to read on the air. Text it to 515-809-0077 or email it to khoiradio@gmail with Heart to heart in the subject line. 

COVID-19 Response: Prisons, Jail, and Lincoln Highway

Listen Here NowOriginally broadcast 05/06/2020
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Today's Local Talk show started with a conversation between Carolyn Raffensperger and Pat Schlarbaum about the meaning of neighbors in the natural world.  We moved on to exploring COVID-19 in prisons and jails.  Veronica Fowler reported on the ACLU's request to Governor Reynolds to release information about  overcrowding and cleanliness for inmates and staff in Iowa's prisons.  Story County Sheriff Paul Fitzgerald came to us with an encouraging report about how successfully the prison population has been reduced at the Story County jail so that they can clean surfaces and maintain social distancing among their prisoners.  And finally Janice Gammon announced the National Scenic Byway Interpretation Award given to Prairie Rivers of Iowa for the Lincoln Highway Heritage Byway Program.  She gave a history of the Lincoln Highway as well as a description of the most recent interpretive panel honoring  Lincoln Highway pioneer Henry Ostermann. 


May 5, 2020

Listen Here NowOriginally broadcast 05/05/2020
Listen to the entire episode now!

Today's Local Talk featured Representative Ross Wilburn talking about Covid Response updates.  He included an upcoming LGBTQ conference at GivePulse leaders Dr. Greg Welk and Dr. Ashley Scudder discussed their translational research outreach from University researchers and Iowa community. Additional information can  be found at or  Fire Chief, Rich Higgins reported on updates for Covid Response.  And Anna Banana topped off the hour with another great Heart to Heart messages. 


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