Eco Fair

April 2, 2014 - 7:00am -- ron

Pat Schlarbaum's reports on the responses of various mammals to Spring, and announced news about the Decorah Eagle Cam. Kay Puttock updated us on her recent experiences in New Zealand, which takes strong measures to protects its nature from invasive species. Roxanne Thompson interviewed Angie Schreck of ACCESS for the Community Service Appreciation serices, and Susan Franzen gave us a virtual tour of the ECO Fair held last Saturday, March 29.

  • Dakota Morgan, Team PrISUm
  • Ames High School Students for Reducing Plastics Movement
  • David Grewell, Iowa Climate Prize
  • Sam, Jack, and Aaron Steele from Goats on the Go
  • Angie Schreck, ACCESS

Hosts: Ursula Ruedenberg, Susan Franzen, and Kay Puttock

Reporter: Roxanne Thompson


Heart of Iowa program
Originally broadcast 04/02/2014
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