We had a diverse show today. Susan Gwiasda, City of Ames Public Relations Officer gave us an extensive rundown on happenings in Ames and cultural war correspondents Bryon Dudley and Ron Carson take us behind the scenes of bands Doctor Murdock and Stewart Esses. Garrett Adams of Stewart Esses also talked about the upcoming RE:Birth event.
Bryon Dudley and Ron Carson showed us some of the inner workings of two Ames bands: Doctor Murdock and Stewart Esses. From the dank basement jam room at the Drum House that Doctor Murdock inhabits, to the tiny guest-filled apartment that is home base for Stewart Esses, these two shameless intruders give you a glimpse of what is behind the creation of thes band's music.
Susan Gwiasda told us about new ADA-complianttraffic signals at the intersection of 13th Street and Stange Road and the program to update other key intersections to make pedestrian crossings safer. She gave an update on the demoliton of the North Dakota water tower which was decommissioned ten years ago. She also used yesterday's fire in Ames as a reminder to use smoke alarms.
Online Information Sources:
- Doctor Murdock on FaceBook
- Stewart Esses on FaceBook
- RE:Birth
- Ames Community Arts Council
- City of Ames official website
- City of Ames government on FaceBook
- Upcoming Shows At DG's Tap House
Originally broadcast 08/07/2014
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