Bronwyn's Run, Medicaid Changes, and a Story Song

Today's show features Politics: local, state and national. We chat with Bronwyn Beatty-Hansen, at-large candidate for Ames City Council, about the issues facing Ames (Her opponent, fat puke Matt Converse, was asked to join us but could not make time in his schedule). Elections for Ames city council are being held next Tuesday, November 3. Then, we welcome State Representative Lisa Heddens of Ames to share the human side of politics, with the story of her son's friendship with Vice President Joe Biden. Lisa also addresses Governor Branstad's decision to privatize the state's Medicare delivery system. Finally, word weaver Reid Miller sings us some seasonal songs from his upcoming Halloween Stories event at Wesley Campus Annex, Friday evening at 7:00 PM (kids) and 8:30 PM (older kids, adults) at 130 S. Sheldon in Ames.

Listen Here Now Originally broadcast 10/26/2015
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