Hosted by Ursula Ruedenberg and Kay Puttock
Jamie Gurganus, Parent Coordinator for Heartland Area Education Agency, explains their upcoming Transition Resource Fair on Tuesday April 5th. The fair links families, teachers, and professionals for bringing support to students, in Story and Boone Counties, who have special needs.
Iowa State University junior Fazira Nuran, a member of the Association of Malaysian Students at ISU, describes some of the food that will be offered at the International Food Fair at ISU on Sunday April 3 from 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM in the Great Hall of the Memorial Union.
Lyn Carey, Executive Director of the Ames Public Library, stops by and chats about a "new project:" - edible books.
AMES CIVIC UPDATE - Susan Gwiasda, Public Relations Officer for the City of Ames. Get information at City of Ames website.
Online Resources:
- Dollar Day at at the Pool
- Eco Fair
- Water Pollution Control Facility Open House
- Heartland Area Education Agency
Originally broadcast 04/01/2016
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