Hosted by Greta Anderson
Numerous voices recorded at the April 5 meeting of the Mason City city council provide citizen perspectives on the March 21 announcement that Mayor Eric Bookmeyer, the State of Iowa, and Prestage Foods had come to an agreement on a 10,000-kill pork processing plant on the south side of town that will cost the town $14 in tax abatements, $35 million in infrastructure upgrades, and likely much more in environmental and social costs.
Mary Ross of St. Cecilia Catholic church and Carol Hellend of Cornerstone Church describe local participation in Days for Girls, an international sewing project with the goal of providing every girl and young woman in the underdeveloped world a kit for feminine hygiene. St. Cecilia hosts a Days for Girls sewing party tomorrow (4/12) at 7:00 PM.
Vic Moss, director of Emergency Residence Project for 29 years, recently announced plans to retire within a few months. He talks about his life before the shelter, and retirement plans.
Online Resources:
- Mason City city council
- April 5 Mason City Council Meeting
- North Iowa Corrider Economic Development Corp.
- Days for Girls
- Emergency Residence Project
Originally broadcast 04/11/2016
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