hosted by Greta Anderson, Paul Hertz, and APA
The show begins with Amanda Petefish-Schrag, assistant professor of Theater at ISU, who with her husband, Ben Schrag, adapted Aristophanes' comedy, The Birds , for a contemporary audience. Pre-recorded interviews of her other half, and of actors Adam Krosch and Keegan Jackson, complement her perspective.
Then, former Ames resident and co-director of the Biodynamic Association , Robert Karp, discusses his "theses" on Spirituality and Sustainable Agriculture, which he will be presenting in the Agronomy Building (but not necessarily nailing to its door). Robert's visit to Ames is co-sponsored by Practical Farmers of Iowa and the Rudolph Steiner Study Group of Ames.
Finally, Victoria Szopinski and Anne Kinzel of the Ames Progressive Alliance interview three "sustainability ninjas", Megan Koppenhafer, Katarina Betz, and Jordan Muell. In fact, these students are members of the ISU student group, The The Green Umbrella.
Online Resources:
- Amanda Petefish-Schrag
- The Birds
- Biodynamic Association
- Practical Farmers of Iowa
- Ames Progressive Alliance
- The Green Umbrella
Originally broadcast 04/29/2016
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