This show, hosted by Gale Seiler, went from global to local. Karim Abdelhamid, Mohamed Abufalgha, and Mohamed Elfourtia talked about their participation in the Arab Spring and the outcome of the revolutions in their countries, Libya and Egypt. Then we turned to the local art scene. Catherine Reinhart, an artist, who has a show opening at Design on Main, and Sara Merritt, of the Ames Community Arts Council told us about the Studio Tour on October 8 & 9. We heard from Jennifer Knox and Tyler Harms about Iowa Bird of Mouth, an online crowd-sourced poetry project honoring Iowa birds.
Online Resources:
- Disaster assistance for recent floods in Story County
- Disaster Assistance
- Arab Students Association at ISU
- Show at Design on Main
- Ames Community Arts Council
- Ames Community Arts Council on FaceBook
- Studio Tour
- Iowa Bird of Mouth
Originally broadcast 09/30/2016
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