The show started with host, Gale Seiler, speaking with Erin Davison-Rippey, the Director of Public Affairs at Planned Parenthood of the Heartland about a law introduced in the Iowa Legislature this week that would block some funding for the healthcare provided by Planned Parenthood. Kay Puttock provided an interview with Josie Staylin from Mid-Iowa Community Action (MICA)’s food pantry. Al Biela and his daughter, Naomi Biela, told about Music Underground Ames, an open-mic music event for youth on Saturday in Ames. Merry Rankin dropped by for her monthly sustainability segment. She brought Jerry Rupert, Director of the Outdoor Recreation Program at ISU, and they shared ideas for how we can keep a sustainability mindset when we are doing activities outdoors.
Online Resources:
- Planned Parenthood of the Heartland
- Mid-Iowa Community Action (MICA)
- Music Underground Ames
- ISU Office of Sustainability
- Outdoor Recreation Program at ISU
Originally broadcast 01/13/2016
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