The show begins with an update from John Howe, Director of the Raptor Resource Project, on the eagle pair monitored by the Eagle Cam. The female just laid her third egg Sunday morning.
Then, Amber Gustafson of Ankeny, president of the Iowa chapter of Moms Demand Action on Gun Sense in America, shares her group's perspective on the Omnibus gun bill being considered by the Iowa House Judiciary Committee.
We stop in for Postcards and Pints at the London Underground, where Molly Backes tells us how and why 250 postcards a week are sent to Iowa lawmakers.
Finally, Kay Puttock brings us the Ames UCC theologian in residence, Father Harry T. Cook of Michigan, who will be visiting Ames this weekend, March 5 and 6.
Online Resources:
- Raptor Resource Project
- Eagle Cam
- Moms Demand Action
- Omnibus gun bill
- Iowa House Judiciary Committee
- London Underground
- Postcards and Pints
- Ames UCC theologian in residence
- Harry T. Cook
Originally broadcast 03/01/2017
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