Leanne Harter, Story County Outreach and Special Projects Manager, told us what's coming up in her Story County Report. Pat Brooks, vintage car enthusiast, described two international rallies he and his wife Mary Brooks drove in their 1949 Buick woodie -- one across China in 1997 to publicize the opening of a new Buick plant in China, and a bi-centennial "around the world in 80 days" in 2000. When not driving their car all over the world, they have spent most of their lives in central Iowa. We closed out the show with the final spotlight bird, the great blue heron, in our yearlong poetry celebration of Iowa Bird of Mouth presented by Jennifer Knox, curator of the crowd-sourced poetry project, and Tyler Harms, director of Iowa Young Birders. Paul Wierson
Originally broadcast 08/09/2017
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You can now listen to segments from each episode of Local Talk! We want to provide shareable content for the people, stories, and events that matter most to you. From this episode of Local Talk, you can listen to the following:
Leanne Harter, Story County Outreach and Special Projects Manager with the monthly report.
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Pat Brooks, with his around-the-world rally race report.
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Jennifer Knox, Tyler Harms, with the last Iowa Bird of Mouth.
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