Elkader - Memoriam Festival for Emir Abdelkader September 29 - October 1 - Mayor Josh Pope and Vice President of Elkader International Connections, Sharon Seney described the history of the relationship of this small Iowa town with the greatest hero of Algerian independence who inspired town founders to name their town for him in 1846. This choice has led to many exchanges between Elkader, Iowa, and Mascara, Algeria, since they became official Sister Cities in 1984. For this festival, distinguished visitors came from Algeria. Kheira Benkaddour, interpreter and one of the majors cooks for the Algerian buffet, gave us a personal comparison between Elkader and Mascara.
Colfax (Jasper County Fairgrounds) - TinyFest Midwest September 22-24 - Maggie Westvold and KHOI videographer Aaron O'Neill took a road trip to explore the "simple living" part of the festival. Jay Shafer, the founder of the movement, talked about how his concept of the "tiny house" has developed since he was a student in Iowa City. Among our most unusual interviews was with Paul Van Gorkum of GoServe Global showing the "Safety Houses" designed to provide shelter in hurricane plagued areas. Renee McLaughlin summed up purpose and success for the Fest.
Randall - Ragtime for Randall is celebrating its 31st year October 7 - President of the Randall Fine Arts Council, Don Brekke, described the upcoming concert and Randall's place in the world of ragtime music, followed by feature performer Daniel Souvigny.
Photo courtesy of The Courier
Originally broadcast 10/04/2017
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