Career Paths & Indian Summer is Here, But Get Ready for Winter!

A summary of last week's news stories from the Iowa Informer.

In a look at how we adapt and change to follow our personal dreams to build successful career paths, David Gould speaks about guiding young people seeking meaningful professions. Gould coordinates the Belin-Blank Center, an international program at the University of Iowa, that develops gifted education programs to develop new talent. Also, Tanya Austin, Professional Development Coordinator and Career Coordinator in Business at Iowa State University's Career Services, describes counseling young people to be flexible and prepared for multiple career changes in today's world. Tanya shares her own life story about how she built and changed careers.

Keith Morgan, Story County Emergency Management Coordinator, gives an outline of how to prepare - mentally and materially - for Winter.


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Originally broadcast 11/13/2017
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