Opioid Epidemic Town Hall Meeting, Lego Learning

Dennis Hart, KHOI’s civic reporter, gives a round up of the past week's Central Iowa news from the pages of the Ames Tribune and related papers.

A local Opioid Task Force of experts, human service organizations, and government officials, will hold an informational town hall meeting on the danger of Opioids in our area, featuring a panel of experts who will answer residents' questions. The Task Force will be on Wednesday,  January 10 at 6 PM in the Ames City Council Chambers in City Hall, 515 Clark Avenue. Members of the Task Force who got the word out on KHOI were: Commander Geoff Huff from Ames City Police, Austin Cross from Primary Health Care, Tim Garten Ames City Council member, and Denise Denton, prevention specialist at Youth and Shelter Services.

Ames 5th and 6th graders in ILego league chose to research water quality and identified the Garbage patch in Pacific Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico Dead Zone as two major global water quality issues. After deciding that the solutions to these major issues lie close to home, the team would like to create more awareness with their website, requesting people to sign up for the spring 2018 stream clean, up and take a pledge to reduce the use of plastics. They also would like to encourage people to come and cheer all the first lego league teams participating in the state competition on Jan 13 and 14th held at ISU.

Susan Gwiasda, Ames Public Relations Officer, gives a civic update for Ames, along with Justin Clausen, Operations Manager, who oversees snow plowing and water mains, among other duties.


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Originally broadcast 05/01/2018
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