Last Tuesday the Iowa House of Representatives approved a measure banning nearly all abortions in Iowa, that requires doctors to conduct abdominal ultrasounds to test for a fetal heartbeat on women seeking abortions and which bans most abortions after a fetal heartbeat is detected. The Senate approved the bill Wednesday morning and Reynolds is generally expected to sign it into law, beginning a struggle that some anti-abortion advocates hope will result in the reversal of Roe V. Wade, the Supreme Curt ruling that upholds women's right to abortion under the 14th amendment. Mark Kende, Director of Drake University's Constitutional Law Center, explains how this would happen.
Thomas More Society is is one of a number of national organizations who have come forward to support the Fetal Heartbeat Bill in court. Martin Cannon, Thomas More Society's Special Counsel, explains why they are and why they are doing this.
Planned Parenthood and The American CivilLiberties Union of Iowa are two organizations generally expected to be challengers of the law. Veronika Fowler, Commmunications Director of the American Civil Liberties Union of Iowa describes how and why they will fight the bill if signed into law.
Susan Gwiasda gives an Ames civic update. Dennis Hart gives a round-up of local news from the pages of the Ames Tribune and related local papers.
Originally broadcast 05/04/2018
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