Our show started with Leanne Harter's Story County Report, and KHOI civic reporter Dennis Hart's local news. Continuing the local news, Micah Hales from the Story City Greater Chamber Connection, announced upcoming events in Story City, especially the Skunk River Duck Race. Nature reporter Pat Schlarbaum took us from rubber duckys to blue jays and the Eagle Day at the Blank Park Zoo. Moving on to Iowa volunteers, we heard from Landra Reece, Story County recipient for a Governor's Volunteer Award. Landra told us about the other winners, her activities and what motivates her. Suzanne Zilber gave us a first-hand report of the "Families Belong Together" rally in Des Moines from her perspective as a therapist familiar with the trauma caused by separating children from their families. We paid tribute to the late Governor Robert Ray, by playing a statement he made endorsing the Iowa International Center, which is continuing his legacy. Finally, Kim Hanna, director of Raising Readers in Story County, told us about the Harrison Barnes Reading Academyand Reading Corners.
Originally broadcast 07/11/2018
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