Ames Pridefest, Coming Out, Next Gen, Farewell to Our Beloved Landlord Dennis Jones

Tara Andrews and Mara Spooner from Ames Pride, local community LGBTQ nonprofit organization, invite you to Pridefest 2018, to be held in the two blocks North of Main Street on Douglas Avenue in Ames, on Saturday September 29th from 11 AM - 7 PM.

Ames therapist Keith Schrag describes stigma and repression historically suffered by "queer" people, as well as his own "coming out" journey.

NextGen Iowa is recorded at ISU, as they register students to vote and they explain their efforts in anticipation of the upcoming election. 

Dennis Jones, our beloved landlord, long-time resident of Ames, retired Operations Director for The  National Animal Disease Center, and advocate for bicycles in our area,  passed away on September 25th. We are unspeakably saddened, endlessly grateful to Dennis for giving KHOI this beautiful home in the Ames Pantorium and for making us feel so welcomed and cared for here. We extend our condolences to Cindy Jones and the rest of his family. We play here a recording of an interview we conducted with Dennis in 2015, where he shares his feelings about the Ames Pantorium Building and life in general.


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Originally broadcast 09/28/2018
Listen to the entire episode now!