Picking corn for Thanksgiving and The Nevada Journal

With a different take on an old-fashioned Thanksgiving  Virtus Brockman, a farmer who moved to Marshall County in 1926, recalled picking corn by hand -- even on Thanksgiving Day.  Our weather report included information about how to get the most up to date information from the National Weather Servicewww.noaa.gov  Continuing our programs on topics in Nicholas Johnson's Columns of Democracy, we featured local newspapers in our area with an interview from Marlys Barker of the Nevada JournalMaggie Westvold wrapped up the program with a "Points to Ponder," telling how her experiences at KHOI have taught her not fear the microphone.  She's learned not only that it doesn't bite, but that it's fun to work with others on the Local Talk team.


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Originally broadcast 11/21/2018
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