The Irish in Iowa, Climate Crisis Strike, Ames Main Street Events & Turkey Vultures!

Dennis Hart gives a summary of Iowa news stories from the past week. 

In a tribute to the Iowans of Irish heritage in the wake of St. Patrick's Day, Betty Pope and her daughter Jane Graham describe how their Irish ancestors arrived in Iowa and the farm life they led. They describe the Irish-American community of Cumming, where today, their St. Patrick's Catholic Church still stands, a country church on the historic registry and the venue of a visitation by Pope Paul II. 

Students and community members gathered on Friday at ISU campus in the International Climate Strike Day. Speakers and participants voice their concerns about climate crisis. 

Drew Kemp, Executive Director of Ames Main Street and the incoming Event Coordinator for  Ames Main Street describe upcoming events in downtown Ames like Music WalkFoodies and Brew, and First Fridays. Also, downtown AMes won a 2019 Main Street Iowa Award for its vegetable garden project on mainstreet.

KHOI environment reporter Pat Schlarbaum introduces you better to the turkey vulture!


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Originally broadcast 03/18/2019
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