Learning Farms, SunSmart in Ames, and Amaranth

Our show today started with a compilation from the July 23 City Council Meeting with voices 0f Mayor John Haila, Don Kom, Council Members David Martin, Amber Corrieri, Bronwyn Beaty-Hanson, as well as Erv Klaas speaking for Ames Climate Action team. The unanimous vote to proceed immediately to build SunSmart was followed by the more divisive issue of net metering.

The balance of our program dealt with Land Conservation with Jacqueline Comito, Program Director for Iowa Learning Farms, describung various methods they use to foster conservation methods among Iowa farmers. In addition, we spoke with Michelle Young, Jackie's recent guest from the Sustainable Farm Project at National University of Australia comparing the two endeavors.

Our final guest, David Brenner, introduced us to the amazing varieties of amaranth, experienced as "the perfect pest" in some parts of the US, and as a valuable national food source in Mexico.

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Originally broadcast 07/24/2019
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