What's up In Ames?? Michael Crumb tells All. Susan Franzen in Sweden


Dennis Hart and Ursula Ruedenberg discuss recent public events with Ames Tribune editor Michael Crumb, including the case of Carson King, who raised funds by holding up a sign asking for beer money at the recent football game, only to be called out by the Des Moines Register for past tweets seen as racist; the conflict between Iowa State University and University of Iowa after an Iowa band member allegedly suffered broken ribs after the ISU / Iowa football game; the Federal Highway Commission's request that Ames remove its new diversity and inclusion crosswalks, and the female jogger who was recently stabbed near the bandshell park in Ames. Finally we bid a fond farewell to Marlys Barker who is leaving the Tri-County Times with a brief farewell interview and Mr. Crumb gives an update on where the county newspapers are headed. 

Susan Franzen reports from Stockholm, Sweden, where she talks with young people about the recent Climate Strike and with parents who know the family of Greta Thunberg and describe how her activism has affected her home life.


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Originally broadcast 09/25/2019
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