COVID-19 RESPONSE: United Way and Neighborhoods

Dennis Hart's news from the Ames Tribune was full of stories of the ways people are reaching out to their neighbors during the COVID-19 crisis. Carrying on with theme was Jean Kressepresident of United Way of Story Countywho described the ways United Way's partnership agencies address the COVID-19 crisis for those in need of food (Food Bank of Iowa)  and housing (Emergency Residence Project) to pre-school for essential workers (COR&R). Then Susan Gwiasda introduced us to Julie Gould Ames City Planner responsible for the 25 Neighborhood Associations that exist in Ames.  She told us about ways the neighborhood organization support those in their neighborhoods during this crisis, as well as how to find your association and contact information if you need assistance or want to help.  Anna Banana ended the program with a "Heart to Heart" story about how furry friends provide love and comfort during this time of uncertainty.


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Originally broadcast 04/03/2020
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