Memorial Day

World War two veteran Curt Bauer and his son Lee Bauer start off a reflection on Memorial Day with their recollections of Bauer’s service in the Pacific and on ceremonies in Zearing Iowa, hosted by the American Legion.

State Senator Herman Quirmbach and Ames City Councilman Tim Garten, both from the Ames Patriotic Council, read the names of local veterans who have passed away since last May. They then lead a conversation on the history and meaning of Memorial Day. They extend recognition to others in uniform who are not in the military service, but who currently serve, putting their lives on the line during this pandemic crisis. Globally More than 9,200 health care providers have been infected by the virus, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. There is also reflection on how much and how many have been lost to the pandemic. The coronavirus had infected more than 1.66M people in the USA and led, so far, to 98,000 deaths. Globally, the death toll is at around 350 thousand.

Anna Banana reads heart to heart messages to and from the different branches of the US military service.


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Originally broadcast 05/25/2020
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