Lights, Cupboards and Pantries, Wearable Designs

Focusing on an old organization (Nevada Masonic Lodge No.99 established 1857) starting a new tradition, a Christmas Lights Contest.   Josh Vaughn, Junior Warden, and Joe Wakeman, secretary of the lodge, described the history and future plans.  Turning from lights to loving our neighbors, we heard from Gil Peterson, just retiring from managing the Nevada Community Cupboard, as well as his co-volunteer Ron Weber.  Another story of someone who saw a need and started an organization to address it is Jeriann McLaughlin, recently retired teacher from Ballard High School, who has brought the Ballard Clothes Pantry into being in 1994.

Ending on an imaginative note, our last guests, Nathan Edwards and Rachel Moylan introduced the virtual ISU "Wearable Design Show" to a viewing audience online.  It will start on December 21 and expand each day through December 30. (See more on FACEBOOK CollegeofDesign).


Originally broadcast 12/23/2020