Dennis Hart gives a summary of Iowa news of the past week. 

ACCESS, the Assault Care Center Extending Shelter and Supportwhich was founded in February 45 years ago, is celebrating their 45th anniversary with a project they call Accessing Our History, a concerted effort to document the history of the organization. The project is being produced in partnership with KHOI, where oral history from people who have built and developed the support center for survivors of sexual assault and domestic violence.

Courtney Palmersheim, Development Coordinator and Producer for the Accessing Our History project describes this oral history project. In this second installment of a three-part series, she focuses on leadership and bravery required to establish this organization when the topic was not yet accepted by the general community. She plays clips of those who helped found ACCESS, including Ursula Ruedenberg, George Belitsos, and Mary Ellen Stone. Lynn Koch, Volunteer and Intern Program Coordinator for ACCESS comments on present-day issues faced by ACCESS staff. 

To call ACCESS for help:

Sexual Abuse Crisis Line:  515-292-5378 or Toll Free 800-203-3488
Domestic Violence Crisis Line:  515-292-0519 or Toll Free 855-983-4641
Housing/Sheltering Services Crisis Line:  515-292-0543 or Toll Free 855-696-2980

ACCESS Business Line: 515-292-0500.


Originally broadcast 02/08/2021