LOCAL TALK 25 May 2021

Mary Wilkins; ISU Extension and Youth Outreach Coordinator Education/Youth   reviews a number of activities and summer programs for youth .  Options include in person outdoor and activity packets designed to pick up and take home. 

Marlene Ehresman; Director of the Iowa Wildlife Center

Marlene reviewed what is involved to successfully overwinter “rescued” bats, the reasons for the large number of bats held this past season at the center and why the planned release dates faced delays. 

Susan Gwiasda, City of Ames Public Relations Officer reminds listens the Ames City Council will meet this evening and one item of special interest is the Council’s Mask Mandate for public areas and lets us know that the outdoor aquatic center opens memorial day weekend.  

Municipal Engineer, Tracy Peterson discusses the completion of the Welch Avenue project the design and amenities associated with it and the ribbon cutting to dedicate it’s completion.  She also provides an update on the progress of the Grand Avenue extension to south 16th avenue.

Anna, Magnusson  KHOI’s Top “Good News Banana” brightens our day.

Offering Poems, Music, and a review of Tuesday programs;

Tom Russell’s; All Things Piano, Donna Prizgintas and Lana Nachtigal’s; Donna-Lana Kitchen, Science Bytes with Sam Wormley and Mike Meetz, Anna Magnusson’s Heart2Heart along with a sneak peek at Thursday’s, You Name It , presented by Mike Murphy.


Originally broadcast 05/25/2021
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