LOCAL TALK 18 June 2021

Dennis Hart reviews the news for this week from the pages of the Ames Tribune.

Josie Mulvihill (Mol Va Hill) is a young woman from Des Moines Iowa who spoke recently at a Black Lives Matter gathering.  Josie was interviewed by KHOI reporter, Pat Schlarbaum, to learn more about, “How the murder of George Floyd has changed our perspectives.” 

Tom and Doug  along with their traveling band are performing this Saturday 19th,  from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. at Dog Eared Books located at 203 Main Street, Ames, Iowa.  This is a community fundraiser for our KHOI FM Community Radio So please attend and help support your community radio station
Susan Gwiasda Public Relations Officer for the City of Ames and Keith Abraham, Director of Parks and Recreation. Reviewed Rummage Rampage sale for the nonprofit organizations
Keith reviews summer camps and activities started this week, updates the celebration for the Miracle Park and Field is scheduled for June 26th and provides an update on the new dock construction at Ada Hayden updates on parks and new projects!



Originally broadcast 06/18/2021