Local Talk Friday, September 10 started off with news summary of the week from Ames Tribune by Dennis Hart. Fred Love encouraged listeners to check Maximum Ames.org for the weekend. Jeannie Hopper provided compelling documentary of 9 11 in New York City from 2001 when the World Trade Center Towers came down. Music she encouraged listeners to hear Do It Now by Diatribe Sound. Susan Gwiasda and Merry Rankin with the City of Ames encouraged people to contact Keith Abraham if they have upgrades or improvements to City Parks at kabraham@City.Ames.ia.us. Leaves and branches drop off at 400 Freel Drive later in October and November. A Prairie Awakening - Awoke will be held tomorrow at Kuehn Conservation Area in Dallas Co. 11AM - 2PM for further information call Chris Adkins 515-202-2552. A Pelican Festival will occur Sunday, September 12 from 11AM - 4PM at Hawkeye Wildlife Management Area. For further information call 319-330-7013 or google Pelican Festival 2021. Music featured was Imagine, Can't Shake These Blues by Eilene Jewell and Do It Now by Diatribe Sound.