LOCAL TALK 26 October 2021

Stephanie and Todd Burras of Wild Birds Unlimited join us for our monthly visit to learn about some of our feathered friends and other wild critters.    
Mike, Pat, and others express appreciation for Ursula Rudenberg’s efforts to get KHOI on the air and the opportunity she gave to us to become part of the KHOI family. 
Susan Gwiasda Communications Officer for the City of Ames provides updates for meetings and events planned for the city.Municipal Engineer, Tracy Peterson will share information about the opening of the South Grand Avenue extension and the work that went into making that project happen; reminds listeners of the ribbon cutting celebration at 2 pm on Friday, Oct. 29th. 
Anna, Magnusson  KHOI’s Top “Good News Banana” brightens our day.
Offering Poems, Music, and a review of Tuesday programs; 
Tom Russell’s; All Things Piano, Donna Prizgintas and Lana Nachtigal’s; Donna-Lana Kitchen, Mary Richard’s Community Bookshelf,  Science Bytes with Sam Wormley and Mike Meetz, 
Anna Magnusson’s Heart2Heart along with a sneak peek at Thursday’s, You Name It , presented by Mike Murphy.
Anna Magnusson, Iowa Able: anna@iowaable.org

Stephanie andTodd Burras; Wild Birds Unlimited: ames.wbu.com.


Originally broadcast 10/26/2021