LOCAL TALK 28 January 2022

Local Talk for Friday, January 28, 2022 featured a news summary by Dennis Hart.  John Howe, Director of Raptor Resource Project provided an update of famous Decorah Eagle Nesting Pair.  Also an exciting project new to NE Iowa, SE Minnesota, and SW Wisconsin called the Driftless is placing transmitters on four Golden Eagles.  Golden Eagles are similar to Bald Eagles yet are primarily a western bird of expansive grasslands.  Apparently a relic Golden Eagle population make the Driftless their overwinter destination.  Ames Recycling Center Supervisor, Bill Schmitt, encouraged restraint of natural resources.  To create less garbage or throw away items is important in our conservation efforts.  And the Climate Action Plan will be strengthened with conservation measures as an overview and priority.  Brian Snell with Historical Black Colleges and Universities welcomed listeners to a CY Steven's performance of Drumline live scheduled for Saturday night, 7PM with a portion of each ticket going to KHOI if you go to KHOIFM.org for tickets.


Originally broadcast 01/28/2022