LOCAL TALK 4 February 2022

Local Talk for Friday, February 4, 2022 started with recap of the news for this week from the Ames Tribune by Dennis Hart.  

Carolyn Raffensberger, Director of Science and Environmental Network, discussed Pfas or Perflourinated Carbons that were recently discovered in Ames drinking water.  A Science and Environmental Health Network newsletter will be on their website soon.

Susan Gwiasda, Public Relations Officer with the City of Ames included Angie DeWaard this week.  Ms. DeWaard is Public Arts Commission Chair and shared information about two public art programs currently underway and how residents can get involved.  Also, today is the deadline for applying for a City Board or Commission. 

 Jess Soderstrum with ISU Extension for Story County filled the hour with two Programs:  No School Day programs that will occur for kindergarten thru 6th grade students Feb. 18 in Story City, and Feb. 21 at Gilbert.  Pre-registration is required at website listed below.  And a six week “The Mindful Teen” workshop will be held Thursday nights free for teens 12 – 18 years.  Additional information can be located at their website.  

Music featured Graham Nash with Simple Man, Better Days, and Just a Song.


Originally broadcast 02/04/2022