LOCAL TALK 10 June 2022

Local Talk for Friday, June 10, 2022 started with a summary of the week’s news from throughout Iowa by Dennis Hart. 

Merry Rankin, Sustainability Director for the City of Ames and Iowa State University invited David Inyang to talk about the 50th year of Environmental Health and Safety that will celebrated with a Friday afternoon birthday party.  The gathering will be this afternoon 3:30PM 2408 Daily Drive.

Tom Richards, local musician extraordinaire gave a brief history of the music scene in Ames from 50 plus years ago.  Richards and other local talent from the era will be performing this evening, June 10 at Mother’s Pub in commemoration of the Ames Reunion.  This event is a gathering of people from 1960s through 1980s June 10, 11, and 12.  People can go to the website amesreunion.org to learn more about festivities at the Great Hall in the Memorial Union 3PM – 10PM Saturday and Brookside Park 11AM Sunday, June 12.

Music featured the Jug Band from a live recording at Rippey’s Orchard Bar in  1973.



Originally broadcast 06/10/2022