As the November (8th) election date approaches we visit with 3 candidates vieing for various offices; democrat candidate, and auditor of Lynn county, Joel Miller running for Iowa Secretary of State, democrat incumbant candidate, Ted Rasmussen running for another term as Story County’s Treasurer and republican candidate, Kara Warme, running for Story County Board of Supervisors.
Then Ames Police Chief, Geoff Huff returns for his monthly update. Chief Huff talks about the next mental health presentation planned for Thursday, Nov. 7th, from 6:30 P.M. to 8:30 P.M. at the Ames Water Plant, as part of an ongoing a series of “Community Conversations.” This is a City Council initiative for improved physical and mental health of Ames residents. Cheif Huff visits about some other items and also reminds us to drive safe as the weather begins to change with the approach of the winter season.