Local Talk for Friday, November 4, 2022 featured the Dennis Hart news summary from the Ames Tribune.
Andrew Allen, President and CEO of YSS in Ames discussed their many preventative programs for Story county youth and families. Andrew told about Reggies’ Sleepout for homeless individuals and made an appeal for contributions to YSS.org/holiday giving. Also there are 73 open positions for their very extensive network of forty programs to address the needs of our youth and their families.
Susan Gwiasda, Public Information Officer for the City of Ames provided announcements for No Charge, Yard Free cleanup day on November 12. Also, a new program of free saw log lumber at the wood-pile facility at base of cemetery hill on 13th St. on November 12.
Amber Wengert Iowa State University Extension and Outreach for Story County and Marketing Coordinator, announced upcoming Interact Club for the entire family on Nov. 9 - 16 - 30 and Dec. 7.
InterAct Program for youth and adults for healthy relationships
Pesticide Continuing Instruction course
4-H and two new Clubs: Cardinal and Gold Stars and Cultivating Hope
Seed saving Webinar on November 9 at 7PM by Bill Johnson IA. DNR Prairie Sed Harvest Biologist
And an open house will be held Nov. 15 from 4 -5PM cultivating Hope addressing autism
Further information can be located at Extension@iastate.edu or calling 515-337-1601 or visiting their offices at 1421 S. Belle Ave. in Ames.
Music was provided by John Trudell. Mr. Trudell narrated Crazy Horse in honor of Native American Heritage Month. Also Vicky and Joe Price will be performing Friday Night, Nov. 4 at Alluvial. For Local Talk we heard “Iowa Crawl.”